Alexandre BOBARD obtained a PhD from Paris VI University in 2005 focused on metabolic disorders, and an EMBO long-term postdoctoral fellowship at ETH-Zürich for a project of pancreatic cancer biomarker. He then joined Institut Pasteur-Paris where he has set-up a research team in the field of cancer immunology, after an initial postdoc on bacterial infection and antibiotic resistance. The last 8 years he became general manager of the SIRIC (Site of Integrated Research in Cancerology) program of Institut Gustave Roussy led successively by Jean-Charles Soria and Eric Deutsch. In parallel, he co-created the yearly international conference ImmunoRad on radiotherapy/immunotherapy combinations in collaboration with Weill Cornell Medicine-NYC. His career has been constantly characterized by a wide array of biological approaches, and a focus on multiple different human diseases from diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis to bacterial infection, and for the last 12 years cancer. The accumulated experience in various fields and pathologies, the use of many different technologies, the yearly travel to foreign conferences and prestigious research institutions provide him with a 360° view of medical biology research, as reflected by his 15 publications on very diverse topics. Years after years, he got closer and closer to the clinic, where he now brings his full expertise to therapeutic innovation in oncology.